
How Long Do You Want To Live?

With falling birthrates and rising life expectancies, the U.S. population is rapidly aging. Research aimed at unlocking the secrets of aging is underway at universities and corporate labs, and some biomedical researchers think future medical treatments might be able to slow, stop or reverse the aging process and allow people to live decades longer than […] »

Williams Nominated General Overseer

Orlando, FL–Mark Williams, current second assistant general overseer, was nominated to the International General Assembly on the first vote to serve as the next General Overseer of the Church of God. Nominating the general overseer was the first ... »

Gay Rights Activists Attempt to Bully Businesses

Earlier this month, Lesbian, Gay, Transgender and Bisexual (LGBT) activists reacted with predictable outrage to Chick-fil-A President and Chief Operating Officer Dan Cathy’s admission that he believes in traditional marriage. Again, predictably, vari... »

Chick-fil-A Says ‘Corporate Giving Mischaracterized’ After Anti-Gay Funding Flap

After accusations that it’s caving in to gay activist pressure in exchange for opening a restaurant in Chicago, Chick-fil-A is seeking to clarify its position. The fast-food restaurant, on the cusp of replacing KFC as the nation’s largest c... »