
The latest Tweets from Total COG Move (@totalCOGmove). Those actions,…

The latest Tweets from Total COG Move (@totalCOGmove). Those actions,…

Here is an interesting Twitter account!!! The latest Tweets from Total COG Move (@totalCOGmove). Those actions, situations, and sayings that seem to make us who we are as a movement. Full of sarcasm. Not officially affiliated with @coghq. #tCOGm #ourCOG. Cleveland, TN »

The April issue of the Evangel told of a CoG…

The April issue of the Evangel told of a CoG that had these words in their mission statement. ” We are a house of mercy. We will advocate for broken and marginalized people anywhere inside or outside the church.” What do you think of that statement and would you like a similar one in your church mission statement? »

Back in June a COG lay preacher was real excited…

Back in June a COG lay preacher was real excited for he had been invited to preach while the pastor was away at G A plus he planned to take a few extra days of vacation. My friend kept telling me about the sermon that he was working on. It was obvious that he was going to work in (3) sermons in one. This is often the mistake that an occasional preacher makes; there is this impulse to give them (3)... »

If Queen Esther represents the women preachers of the COG…

If Queen Esther represents the women preachers of the COG…

If Queen Esther represents the women preachers of the COG then is the male leadership, Church of God bishops, a type of Haman with his oppression toward the Jews? What are your thoughts? »