
Christ and Culture

Richard Niebuhr is one of the most influential modern reformed theologians. He is considered an authority on ethics and church in the Western culture and writes that the authenticity of the Christian faith is based on its realization in a counterpart world setting. Christ and Culture presents an observation of the ways the church realizes [...] »

Guest Post – Creating a Campus Culture of Loving Judgment (Part 2)

In the last post, I shared how the biblical doctrine of judgment stabilized my own spiritual imbalances and insecurities, thus welcoming me, a sinner, into the presence of a righteous... »

Pop Culture and Armegeddon

Have you been fascinated by the Book of Revelation, but felt that something must be missing in modern interpretations of this anti-Roman, Jewish document? In this week's episode, we explore what books like Enoch or Baruch or what geography and... »

The Oberlin Culture War of 2016 Finally Comes to an End
