
Current Status of Chaplaincy in Bulgaria

This update on the current status of Chaplaincy in Bulgaria became necessary in light of the recent parliament vote (October 5, 2014) and consecutive talks on Bulgaria’s national security and upcoming defense reforms. While the government enters a post-election mode to appoint all cabinet members, the legal question about chaplaincy in Bulgaria still remains open. […] »

The current faulty view of the Church of God (for…

The current faulty view of the Church of God (for those who do not follow the Declaration of faith in practice) rest upon the same error as do the Calvinist and all other progressive evangelicals. They misinterpret Romans 9 in that the potter keeps forming the soft clay with his hands for the duration of one’s life on earth. It is in a continual state of being formed. That is a false assumpt... »

Women in Leadership: The Current Debate

Dale M. CoulterIt seems my articles have sparked a lot of debate over the question of women exercising leadership. Three points are clear: 1) the official teaching of the Church of God already recognizes women as leaders ... »

Christian Education for Librarianship, Part 2: The Current State

In my previous post, I offered the following line of reasoning: (1) The field of librarianship is inherently value-laden and thus subject to examination from a biblical worldview. (2) Few... »