Once again we celebrate a special occasion in the lives of the young and the young at heart. VALENTINES DAY I always enjoy... »
Once again we celebrate a special occasion in the lives of the young and the young at heart. VALENTINES DAY I always enjoy... »
February 15 399 BCE: The philosopher Socrates was sentenced to death today. No, Socrates was not Jewish, and he did not know about what were the “Israelites” of his day. However, Socrates would be one of those Greek philosophers whose teachings ... »
February 5 517/519: Alcimus Avitus, the Archbishop of Vienne in Gaul who in 576 on Easter temporarily succeeded in calming a crowd angered when a recent convert to Christianity was doused with oil. Four days later local Christians burned down the syna... »
January 31 314: Sylvester I whose name is “the Israeli term for New Year’s night celebrations” began his papacy “The Israeli term for New Year’s night celebrations, “Sylvester,” was the name of the “Saint” and Roman Pope who reigned during the Counci... »