
This Day, June 21, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L

This Day, June 21, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L

JUNE 21 356 B.C.E.: Birthdate of Alexander the Great. Alexander traveled back forth across Judea; first when he went down to conquer Egypt and then when he came back from his Egyptian conquest and moved east to conquer more of the Persian Empire. Ther... »

This Day, June 19, In Jewish History, by Mitchell A. and Deb Levin Z"L

JUNE 19 325: Promulgation of the Nicene Creed. The creed dealt with various splits among the various Christian groups and only dealt in a tangential manner with matters pertaining to Jews. The creed altered the method for selecting the date of Easter.... »

More Pronounced by the Day :: By Daymond Duck

In a June 6, 2023, article posted on Harbinger’s Daily, Tim Moore, Chief Executive Officer and Senior Evangelist of Christ in Prophecy, wrote, “Like so many other indicators, many of them [many of the Spiritual Signs] are becoming more pronounced by the day.” Here is a link to Moore’s excellent article: »

This Day, June 16, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L

JUNE 16 1221: Massacre of the Jews of Erfurt, Germany which at one time  was commemorated as a Fast Day on the 25th of Sivan. 1295: Mahmud Ghazan the seventh ruler of the Mongol Empire's Ilkhanate division in modern-day Iran converted to Islam w... »