
Amyraut’s Disciple

John Bunyan was born in Bedforsdhire, England in 1628. His early life included a good deal of degradation as well as a stint in the army. Even after he had married, Bunyan was what we would call today a wayward Christian. He later realized he was no Christian at all. The story is oft told of how Bunyan heard a sermon one Sunday morning against the evils of Sunday sports. That afternoon, while play... »

A Courageous Disciple

Today’s Lesson Complied and Edited by Dr. Paul Lee A Courageous Disciple http://andnowyouknowmore.blogspot.com Related items Courageous Disciple You can make plans Today’s Lesson Today’s... »

There is not one true disciple of the Lord Jesus…

There is not one true disciple of the Lord Jesus…

There is not one true disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ among the Word of Faith/NAR Movement leaders. Instead of forsaking all to follow Christ, they are worshipping a “False Christ” so that they can gain all in this vain world under the judgment of God. Flee from them to the Bible and to the Lord Jesus Christ of the Bible. [ ](https://web.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10216606571901067&... »