
Take this principle and apply it to every doctrine which…

Take this principle and apply it to every doctrine which seperates one religous body from another. When the church was established there were no denominations for they all taught what Jesus taught(1 st. Corinthians 1:10; 4:17 ) Denominations would cease to exist if they dealt with this question. Jesus taught only one doctrine, and there was unity. By whose authority have mortals changed his teachi... »

On true doctrine rests the worship of the true and…

On true doctrine rests the worship of the true and…

On true doctrine rests the worship of the true and living God. From error in doctrine springs the worship of a false god. There is a tendency among many religious people to undervalue true doctrine, to exalt morality at the expense of the character of God and the teachings of our Lord, and to deny the importance of a sound creed. I do not doubt that a sound creed has often covered an unsound life.... »