
The State of Faith in America

According to a recent Pew Research Center poll, religious disaffiliation in the U.S. is at an all-time high. A panel of religious leaders and nonbelievers joined Larry King on his Emmy Nominated show “Larry King Now” to discuss this trend and what it means for the future of faith in America. “The Unbelievers” is a film directed by Gus Holwerda featuring Lawrence Krauss (American theoretical physic... »

Fathers of the Faith: Dr. Charles Conn – Why Revival Came?

Fathers of the Faith: Dr. Charles Conn – Why Revival Came?


“The Just Shall Live By Faith” Dennis McGuire Wednesday Night Revival Service 01/09/19

“The Just Shall Live By Faith” Dennis McGuire Wednesday Night Revival Service 01/09/19

“The Just Shall Live By Faith” Dennis McGuire Wednesday Night Revival Service 01/09/19 Streaming Every Sunday @ 11:00 AM Sunday @ 6:30 PM Wednesday @ 7:30 ETA Thanks for joining us in worship. »

The most misunderstood doctrine is Luther's justification by faith. I…

The most misunderstood doctrine is Luther’s justification by faith. I believe the most scriptural belief and uppermost in New Testament is the belief of sanctification following regeneration chronologically. Jesus started it with a call for the born again to enter the kingdom. The new birth is a statement of fact and the calling is to sanctification and the two must not be confused. »