
The most misunderstood doctrine is Luther's justification by faith. I…

The most misunderstood doctrine is Luther’s justification by faith. I believe the most scriptural belief and uppermost in New Testament is the belief of sanctification following regeneration chronologically. Jesus started it with a call for the born again to enter the kingdom. The new birth is a statement of fact and the calling is to sanctification and the two must not be confused. »

The declaration of Faith stand not as a belief system…

The declaration of Faith stand not as a belief system of the COG rather as a monument to what the Church once was. »

The Declaration of Faith of the Church of God can…

The Declaration of Faith of the Church of God can be amended through a rigorous process in general assemblies. What are the possibilities of eliminating sanctification subsequent to justification and regeneration and hold to a progressive work with regeneration. It seems to me that there would be sufficient support to make that amendment. There seems to be so few who support a definite and entire ... »

Declaration of Faith Sunday

Declaration of Faith Sunday

Declaration of Faith Sunday View this email in your browser ... »