
“Justification for Unforgiveness” with Jentezen Franklin

“Justification for Unforgiveness” with Jentezen Franklin

In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus wrestled with what may have been His greatest temptation—whether to follow the Father’s plan and endure the crucifixion or to call twelve legions of angels to rescue Him. The temptation was stronger because He knew He was innocent and blameless. He knew He would be justified in not forgiving those who tortured and crucified Him, but He also knew what His forgiven... »

“Cooling Down Hot Hearts” with Jentezen Franklin

“Cooling Down Hot Hearts” with Jentezen Franklin Our families are valuable. They are our most precious treasure. But they are also fragile. Anger, resentment, unforgiveness, and bitterness can destroy the relationships that matter most to us. Often, the damage happens through words spoken and actions taken when the heat of emotion is running high. When you are in the middle of a tense, emotionally-charged situation, y... »

Jentezen Franklin Live presents Jason Crabb

Jentezen Franklin Live presents Jason Crabb

Jason Crabb celebrates his latest album Unexpected with Free Chapel! »

“Love Like You’ve Never Been Hurt” with Jentezen Franklin

“Love Like You’ve Never Been Hurt” with Jentezen Franklin

Love is risky. When we love someone, we become vulnerable. Those we love the most have the power to wound us the deepest. In those times of hurt and pain, how we respond is critical. Will we nurse resentment, bitterness, and unforgiveness? Will we disconnect from the person who hurt us? Or will we invite God into the middle of the mess and the pain? Through God’s great grace, we can be reconciled ... »