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FREE SHIPPING on Pathway orders

🎁 FREE SHIPPING 🎁 on Pathway orders for 12 days! Church of God Ministers View this... »

Sen. Cruz Files Bills to Protect the Individual Right to Free Speech

Sen. Cruz Files Bills to Protect the Individual Right to Free Speech

WASHINGTON, DC — U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, today filed a pair of bills to protect the individual right to free speech in the wake of Democrats’ efforts to effectively repeal the First Amendment by allowing Congress to regulate spending on political speech. “Senate Democrats are seeking unfettered power to regulate and stifle political speech, which is why today, it’s more important than e... » Increase your church influence


The global battle over free speech and religion on the Internet

The gruesome terror attack against a British soldier in London last week has resulted in a number of arrests by British law enforcement authorities. But the targets of their crackdown are not only radical Islamists threatening more terror and mayhem. More than 10 people in Britain have been charged with violating laws against inciting hatred and giving offense on social media. The Police in Surrey... »