
Iraq – The future headquarters of the coming antichrist

Iraq – The future headquarters of the coming antichrist

Note: The following is an excerpt from Perry's book, Unleashing the Beast, which can be ordered from the ministry. Named the butcher of Baghdad by the west, Saddam Hussein took control of Iraq in July 1979. A member of the Ba'athist party, Saddam's vi... »

The Church of God of the future will be radically…

The Church of God of the future will be radically inclusive. »

Preparing for an Uncertain Future


Answering those who dismiss Jeremiah 49 regarding the future of #ISRAEL

Is the beginning of the end of the world upon us? Well, that depends upon who you ask. In case you haven’t noticed, End Times theology has become a hot topic in media this summer. From discussions surrounding Syria and its alleged role in Biblical prophesy to grander curiosities about Jesus Christ’s supposed Second Coming, the debate over these themes has been a spirited one, as TheBlaze recently ... »