
Women in Missions Address General Assembly Gathering

On July 22, 2012, a session dedicated to Women in Missions around the world was held in a pre-Assembly conference in Orlando, Florida. Led by Wanda LeRoy, wife of outgoing Director of World Missions Douglas LeRoy, there was a feeling of great anticipat... »

Hundreds Attend Smoky Mountain Gathering

Hundreds Attend Smoky Mountain Gathering ... »

8 Reasons Why Gathering with the People of God Matters

While most churches are still struggling to regain their pre-COVID attendance numbers, it’s been good to think about why gathering with God’s people matters. Here are some thoughts that come to mind: 1. Worshiping together is part of God’s intent in making us relational. He who is relational in Himself as Trinity created us needing... The post 8 Reasons Why Gathering with the People of God Matters... »

Smoky Mountain Gathering Set

Smoky Mountain Gathering Set ... »