
General Assembly Opening Night Just Three Weeks Away

General Assembly Opening Night Just Three Weeks Away ... »

Ordained Bishops Age Limitations: Discussion on Church of God General Assembly, Nashville 2016

Ordained Bishops Age Limitations: Discussion on Church of God General Assembly, Nashville 2016

Church of God General Assembly, Nashville 2016 “ordained ministers 25 years of age and older” Rationale: “….the motion, if passed, provides greater incentive for attendance to International General Assemblies and ministerial credential advancement….” Premise: A lot was said about ordaining younger ministers around the 2012 Assembly. The proposed Item 25, properl... »

General Assembly Prayer Focus Culminates with May 15 Event

General Assembly Prayer Focus Culminates with May 15 Event ... »

78th General Assembly Is One Year from This Week

78th General Assembly Is One Year from This Week You are signed up to receive updates from the Faith News Network ... »