
It is the greatest gift you could ever receive. It is the best decision you can ever make… #short

It is the greatest gift you could ever receive. It is the best decision you can ever make… #short

It is the greatest gift you could ever receive. It is the best decision you can ever make to follow the person of Jesus. #best #decision #Jesus »

The Gift of Music

The Gift of Music

“If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:THE ONLY PROOF HE NEEDEDFOR THE EXISTENCE OF GODWAS … »

Part 6 Video Devotions: Gift of Tongues

Part 6 Video Devotions: Gift of Tongues

Lakewood Church of God 12637 Pony Lane Hudson, FL 34669 727-856-1770 »

When a gift of tongues is manifested at the Church…

When a gift of tongues is manifested at the Church of God General Council shouldn’t the moderator then recognize the mike from which an interpretation is to be given? Why does the moderator give the interpretation? Is this Biblical or is it customary and traditional? If no interpretation is given should the moderator then move on to business at hand? »