
We’re giving away a Miniature Banner Library (50 Banner books)…

We’re giving away a Miniature Banner Library (50 Banner books)…

Sweet deal! If anyone is interest: Banner of Truth is doing a giveaway. Click the link and enter! We’re giving away a Miniature Banner Library (50 Banner books) to a serious Banner book reader! Winner receives: the Banner books listed below! 1. The Doctrine of Justification 2. The Great Awakening 3. Elizabeth Prentiss 4. J. C. Ryle: Prepared to Stand Alone 5. The Pilgrim’s Progress 6. Sermon…... »

We’re giving away a Miniature Banner Library (50 Banner books)…

We’re giving away a Miniature Banner Library (50 Banner books)… We’re giving away a Miniature Banner Library (50 Banner books) to a serious Banner book reader! Winner receives: the Banner books listed below! 1. The Doctrine of Justification 2. The Great Awakening 3. Elizabeth Prentiss 4. J. C. Ryle: Prepared to Stand Alone 5. The Pilgrim’s Progress 6. Sermon… »

Five Ways Designated Giving Can Get Your Church in Trouble

Designated giving can be an incredible blessing for your church. It allows, for example, church members to give to such areas of passion as missions or facilities. But far too many churches are handling designated giving in ways that can get them in trouble. That trouble can range from morale problems among members and staff... The post Five Ways Designated Giving Can Get Your Church in Trouble ap... »

Missions Mondays: Giving to MISSIONS: Do’s, Don’ts and Hows

Missions Mondays: Giving to MISSIONS: Do’s, Don’ts and Hows

In a previous thread regarding transparency in providing church info on pastors salary. One of the posters listed the Church Expense sheet presented to the congregation minus the amount of the pastor’s salary. In reading the expense and income I saw no mention of Missions Income or Expense for supporting missions or mission projects? Is this common for a church this size? I am not sure if th... »