
Wednesday Night March 29th

Wednesday Night March 29th

http://youtu.be/dGhySxnqeRc Our Pastor Dr. Bill Coble preaching on “The Table of the Lord” »

Sunday March 26th AM

Sunday March 26th AM

http://youtu.be/DNyuh4xlVOg Pastor Coble preaching on No More talking about Heaven. »

nyCOG: Remson Avenue Church of God in Brooklyn, NY

nyCOG: Remson Avenue Church of God in Brooklyn, NY

Pastor: Brugard Brutus 627 29 Remsen Avenue Brooklyn, NY, 11236 Phone: (718) 346-4897 »

Wednesday Night March 22nd

Wednesday Night March 22nd

http://youtu.be/rb_9bgVEkMs Pastor Dr. Bill Coble preaching on “One Down Four To Go”. »