
One of the great disappointments in Church of God history…

One of the great disappointments in Church of God history is the failure to establish a good base in Memphis, Tennessee. No one tried harder than A. J. Tomlinson to start a Memphis foundation for the COG! He along with M. S. Lemons had some successful revivals. They cooperated with a Camp meeting on the bluff region overlooking the mighty Mississippi River. One of their COG converts was L. P. Adam... »

Dallas Church of God Live Stream

Dallas Church of God Live Stream


Men say: God is done with Israel!! But we know…

Men say: God is done with Israel!! But we know…

Men say: God is done with Israel!! But we know that they are false prophets, peddling false doctrines. And they also say that God’s Holy Word says that Jesus Christ is going to do something that the Bible and Jesus Christ plainly REJECTS; the MYTH/FABLE of ANOTHER Gospel and ANOTHER Jesus…that is going to gather His CHURCH (Alive) and take them to Heaven!! But what did Jesus Christ ACTUALLY ... »

How God Taught Me About Prosperity

Written by Kenneth E. Hagin The subject of prosperity is currently so misunderstood in the church world that I feel I must comment on it. The Lord Himself taught me about prosperity. I never read about it in a book. I got it directly from heaven. It has blessed me and my family so much, I want to share it with you. I was born and raised Southern Baptist, and the first church I pastored was Baptist... »