
Moses, Isaiah, and the Spirit of God

Click HERE to watch the full Round Table Talk titled Moses, Isaiah, and the Spirit of YHWHWatch Dr. Levison's other RTT HERE titled Spirit and Man in Ancient JudaismGet $100 for referrals! Click HERE for more information.Find out how you can g... »

God created us to serve and connect to a purpose bigger than just living for ourselves. #shorts

God created us to serve and connect to a purpose bigger than just living for ourselves. #shorts

God created us to serve and connect to a purpose bigger than just living for ourselves. #purpose #created #God »

Retired Ministers and Widows Appreciation Reformation Sunday

Retired Ministers and Widows Appreciation Reformation Sunday

96 Retired Ministers and Widows Appreciation Reformation Sunday <!-- View this email in your browserRetired Ministers and Widows Appreciation - Reformation SundayDear Pastors and Ministry Colleagues: An anticipated event in the Church of God is the time of year when we honor our retired ministers and widows. We call it Reformation Sunday, and this year it is scheduled for Sunda... »

Live Stream – [North Cleveland Church of God – Cleveland, TN]

Live Stream – [North Cleveland Church of God – Cleveland, TN]
