
Pursue A Good Life | Travis Johnson

Pursue A Good Life | Travis Johnson


So Earthly Minded, No Heavenly Good :: By Howard Green

The closer we get to Jesus’ return, the further away many Christians and churches are drifting from the great commission. One well-known statement epitomizes the apathy prevalent in much of our time’s lukewarm, watered-down Western church. The decades-old popular false notion is that someone can be so heavenly-minded that they’re no earthly good. This is […] The post So Earthly Minded, No Heavenly... »

Easter Sunday | The Good News | Pastor Tony Stewart

Easter Sunday | The Good News | Pastor Tony Stewart


Good Friday Worship

Good Friday Worship

Thank you for joining us this evening for our Good Friday Worship service! Our prayer is no matter where you may be watching from, you will feel the love, hope, and presence of Jesus right where you are. »