
Historical Root Of Burleson’s Ambivalent Gospel

Amyraldism Moses Amyraut (1596-1664), after whom Amyraldism is named. Amyraldism (or sometimes Amyraldianism, the School of Saumur, hypothetical universalism,[1] or Post Redemptionism),[2] also known as “hypothetical universalism” or “four-point Calvinism”, primarily refers to a modified form of Calvinist theology. It rejects one of the Five points of Calvinism, the doctrin... »

Saving America with The Gospel Before It Collapses… :: By Jim Towers

Saving America with The Gospel Before It Collapses… :: By Jim Towers

It hurts me to have to say this, but we “Christians” must stand up – or we are doomed. As the saying goes, “Talk is cheap.” Anyone can talk unless they are unable to for one reason or another. If ever there was a time to reach out to our fellow man – now is […] The post Saving America with The Gospel Before It Collapses… :: By Jim Towers appeared first on Rapture Ready. »


Dear co-workers in the Kingdom! As you know there are 1,500,000 of displaced people in Eastern Ukraine due to the war (I am one... »

The official online home for gospel recording artist Guy Penrod

The official online home for gospel recording artist Guy Penrod

I don’t question Guy Penrod’s salvation. I believe he is born again and on his way to heaven at the final resurrection. However my question: is he “sanctified holy”? Does he display Biblical holiness? What are your thoughts? The official online home for gospel recording artist Guy Penrod »