
Heart Smart PART 5 | Pure Heart Diagnosis

Heart Smart PART 5 | Pure Heart Diagnosis

God blesses those whose hearts are pure and there are some characteristics that flow out of pure hearts. Pastor Tony teaches us that the evidence of a pure heart are attributes like grace, faith, hope, truth and love. Want to diagnose where your heart is? Ask yourself if your heart produces any of these. »

“Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled” pastor Loran Livingston, February 24, 2019

“Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled” pastor Loran Livingston, February 24, 2019

Is anything too hard for the Lord? Quit looking at you- look at God. With God all things are possible. So don’t let your heart be troubled! Believe in Jesus- He is faithful, loving, kind, caring, strong and able to do what you think is “impossible”! »

February 24, 2019 – Heart Smart PART 4 – VIMEO

February 24, 2019 – Heart Smart PART 4 – VIMEO

Heart Smart PART 4 »

Heart Smart PART 3 | Who Owes Who?

Heart Smart PART 3 | Who Owes Who?

Pastor Tony teaches us that when we carry the weight of guilt it becomes a repetitive cycle in our lives and when our heart is messed up we have a hard time seeing God. Don’t carry the weight of sin that’s already been forgiven. Embrace the grace that God has so generously given all of us. »