
How God Makes Hard Hearts Tender | Andric Daugherty

How God Makes Hard Hearts Tender | Andric Daugherty


Futile Thinking and Darkened Hearts :: By The Gospelist

Futile Thinking and Darkened Hearts :: By The Gospelist

To study any subject, a researcher must have a solid operational definition of the concept that he wishes to explore. This operational definition must be agreed upon by most researchers in the field so that, when it is tested, everyone has the same understanding of the concept that is being investigated. According to the American […] The post Futile Thinking and Darkened Hearts :: By The Gospelist... »

Learning to Rest in God | Burning Hearts | Pastor Tony Stewart

Learning to Rest in God | Burning Hearts | Pastor Tony Stewart

There are seasons when we have to learn to trust God and rest in Him. It is in these seasons that we learn to rest in God. Pastor Tony shares that when we give God total control and are not in control, we can find that God’s plan is far better than our own. »

Heart Burn | Burning Hearts | Pastor Tony Stewart

Heart Burn | Burning Hearts | Pastor Tony Stewart

Does our heart burn when we have been with Jesus? As believers, we must guard our hearts against the issues of life, for it determines the course of our life. In this message, Pastor Tony shares three areas that help us see the condition and health of our hearts. »

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