
By a coincidence of history the Church of God and…

By a coincidence of history the Church of God and the Film industry got its start at about the same time. The first 50 years the church branded most of Hollywood’s productions as worldly and even evil and we were strongly warned to stay out of movie houses. Then along came television and hollywood moved into our homes. Little by little we developed a taste for news and their views and then e... »

Created only to preserve our church history, this clip remembers…

Created only to preserve our church history, this clip remembers…

Created only to preserve our church history, this clip remembers a song often sung during times of receiving new members into congregations of the Church of … »

Here is a good pictorial history of a local COG…

Here is a good pictorial history of a local COG http://cherawcog.com/home/index.php/history/ »

The wrath of God in modern history

This essay examines a theologically unpopular and neglected topic: the wrath of God. It suggests how the mercy of God flowers once the wrath... »