
Black History Month—Charles W. Conn Interviews Celestine Poitier, Mildred Roberts & Xenobia Anderson

Black History Month—Charles W. Conn Interviews Celestine Poitier, Mildred Roberts & Xenobia Anderson

In this “Conversations with Charles W. Conn,” Church of God Historian Conn interviews Celestine Poitier along with her daughters–the Reverend Mildred Roberts and the Reverend Xenobia Poitier-Anderson. The life and ministry of the late Reverend Harcourt Garfield Poitier, the Poitier family, early Black ministries in the Church of God, and race relations in the Church of God are am... »

10 Reasons Your Church is NOT Growing

10 Reasons Your Church is NOT Growing

Here are ten very possible reasons your church isn’t growing: 1. You’re In Conflict Ever been in someone’s home as a guest only to have your hosts start to argue with each other? It doesn’t happen that often, but the few times it’s happened when I’ve been around have made me want to run out […] »

5 Reasons You are Not a Growing Church

5 Reasons You are Not a Growing Church »

25 Year Revival Cycles in Bulgaria’s Protestant History

2014    Pastor Johny Noer visits Bulgaria with a prophecy for a new spiritual revival in the land 1989    First visit of Pastor Johny Noer in Bulgaria. The Berlin Wall fell seven months later 1964    Pastor Stoyan Tinchev of the Bulgarian Church of God passed away. This was a breakthrough moment for the ministry of the […] »