
Powerful Tribulation Tide :: By Terry James

There is a powerful monetary tide sweeping the world toward what Jesus called the worst time of human history (Matthew 24:21). One prophetic element stands out in considering the seven-year Tribulation era with regard to the Antichrist regime. That’s the economic platform prophesied to be at the heart of the Beast system. With so many […] The post Powerful Tribulation Tide :: By Terry James appear... »

VTN Prophecy Week Program: The Rapture with Terry James

VTN Prophecy Week Program: The Rapture with Terry James

Terry and Pastor Caldwell discuss the Rapture in-depth during this program, which is part of a week-long series on Bible Prophecy presented by Victory Television Network. https://youtu.be/2gADjmImn2M The post VTN Prophecy Week Program: The Rapture with... »

The James V. Allred Unit In Texas Is A Massive 4,000 Inmate Correctional Facility With An Immediate Need For Hundreds Of King James Bibles

The James V. Allred Unit In Texas has an urgent need for King James Bibles in their facility that houses more than 4,000 inmates We got an email from the chaplain at the James V. Allred Unit in Texas, a 4,000 inmate prison, and he says they have an urgent needs for Bibles. “The Allred […] The post The James V. Allred Unit In Texas Is A Massive 4,000 Inmate Correctional Facility With An Immediate N... »

America’s Astonishing End-times Power :: By Terry James

All during the Obama and Biden administrations, I considered the decline of America—deliberately perpetrated by those administrations in conjunction with the globalist cabal, i.e., these worked tirelessly to take down the United States from the awesome American world hegemony the nation exerted for more than a century. Now, everything is in such obvious change from […] The post America’s Astonishi... »