
Eagerly Awaiting Connection Clip | Jentezen Franklin

Eagerly Awaiting Connection Clip | Jentezen Franklin

To be the least in the kingdom of heaven is better than being the president of the United States … To hear more inspiring messages from Jentezen Franklin, visit & subscribe to this channel: Tell us more about what’s going on in your life: Let us pray with you: Share your tes... »

Eagerly Awaiting | Jentezen Franklin

Eagerly Awaiting | Jentezen Franklin

This is “Eagerly Awaiting.” No reserves. No retreat. No regrets. Are you living a life like that for Jesus? If He came back today, could you stand before Him in confidence? We serve a God of grace and mercy and second chances, but one day the trumpet will sound. Start living everyday in the “power and the Holy Spirit and in much assurance” of our Gospel! To hear more inspiring messages... »

Don’t Settle, Keep Climbing | Jentezen Franklin

Don’t Settle, Keep Climbing | Jentezen Franklin

This is “Don’t Settle, Keep Climbing”. God’s promises may take time. You will be tempted to take shortcuts, or pursue plan B. But beware; sometimes shortcuts lead you off the path. God’s best is worth the wait. It’s worth the fight! Don’t settle. Keep climbing! In this message, learn to take hold of that which God has predestined for you! To hear more inspiring messages fro... »

And Then We Were One, Marriage Special | Jentezen Franklin

And Then We Were One, Marriage Special | Jentezen Franklin

This is “And Then We Were One, Marriage Special” with Jentezen Franklin. Today, I want to reaffirm that marriage is not going away. Marriage is more than a good idea; it’s a God idea! In this special, you’ll learn keys on how to grow together instead of apart, how to become a better you and a better spouse, all while keeping faith at the forefront of your marriage. To hear more inspiri... »