
GOD TV Broadcasting America for Jesus Prayer Rally

Thousands will gather in Philadelphia this weekend for the America for Jesus solemn assembly. And GOD TV is broadcasting the potentially historic prayer rally live. The two-day broadcast marathon will start on Friday, Sept. 28 at 8.30pm with the Awaken... »

Why Christians should not talk about demonstrating Jesus’ love

Why Christians should not talk about demonstrating Jesus’ love to others: via @FaithImprovised »

Thousands Gather at Independence Hall to Pray at America for Jesus 2012

Exactly 40 days before the national election, thousands gathered on Independence Mall in Philadelphia, Sept. 28-29, for America for Jesus 2012 (AFJ). The purpose of this solemn assembly that gathered Christians representing all races, parties and denom... »

Dan Mohler says, “Jesus didn’t die because we are sinners!…

Dan Mohler says, “Jesus didn’t die because we are sinners! He died because something was lost, he came to save that which was lost! What was lost? You’re created value, your destiny, your purpose, His image in you.“ it seems like he’s diminishing the sinfulness of sin. I’m comparing this to Scripture and I wanted to ask all of you to help me find more Scriptures. Thoughts??? »