Church of Jesus Christ..we are in a very dificult time,…
Church of Jesus Christ..we are in a very dificult time, right now, so we are soldiers of Christ, for His Kingdom, Pray, Pray, Pray. »
Church of Jesus Christ..we are in a very dificult time, right now, so we are soldiers of Christ, for His Kingdom, Pray, Pray, Pray. »
PROOF That Jesus Rose From the Dead on THIS Good Friday. Did Jesus Rise From the Dead? So how do we know Jesus isn’t some fairy tale? How do we know He even existed? What if people just made Him up to try and control others? Well, from a scholarly perspective, these views are absolutely ridiculous. I would like to say at the outset that liberal scholars d… »
The Testimony of Jesus Christ is the Spirit of Prophecy according to the book of Revelation. My question is.. Was John’s vision and testimony an example of being “caught up” in Christ (aka “raptured”) in the end times? I’ve heard this view before and was wondering what your thoughts are »
“Who Do You Say That I Am?!” Who Jesus really is to you? »