
This Day, August 5, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L

August 5 135: Betar fell to the Romans 939: Battle of Alhandic: Cordoban forces conquered the Leonese city of Zamora, Spain with great cost in lives to bot... »

This Day, July 17, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L

July 17 1203:  The Knights of the Fourth Crusade capture Constantinople forcing the Byzantine emperor Alexius III Angelus to flee from his capital into exile.  Unlike other Crusades, the focus of the Fourth Crusade was the Byzantine Empire a... »

This Day, August 4, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L

 August 4 70: According to some, the date on the secular calendar when the Second Temple was destroyed by the Romans.  367: Gratian, son of Roman Emperor Valentinian I, is named co-August by his father and associated to the throne aged eigh... »

This Day, July 11, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L

July 11 1174: Amalric I who had been King of Jerusalem since 1162 passed away.  During his reign most of the Jews were expelled from Jerusalem; a ban that would last until 1175. 1244: “Khorezmian Turkish horsemen launch an attack on Jerusalem, s... »