
This Day, September 3, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L

This Day, September 3, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L

 September 3 175(BCE): Antiochus IV Epiphanes, the Greek King of the Channukah story began his reign today. 141 BCE (18th of Elul, 3619): The fight begun by Matthias and Judah came to a successful conclusion when Simon was elected High Priest an... »

This Day, August 31, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin

August 31 12 CE: Birthdate of Gaius Caligula, Roman Emperor.  Caligula was crowned in 37 and murdered in 41.  Life for Jews during his reign was part of the downward spiral that would result in three rebellions by the Jews over the next one ... »

This Day, August 29, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L

August 29 1255: The body of little boy who had disappeared was found in a well at Lincoln.  The boy would become known as Little Saint Hugh of Lincoln (England) was the subject of an infamous ritual murder libel. It was alleged that Jews enticed ... »

This Day, August 28, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"l

August 28 388: Magnus Maximus, an Hispanic usurper to the throne of the western Roman Empire passed away. During his disputed reign Maximus issued an edict of which censured Christians at Rome for burning down a Jewish synagogue which was condemned by... »