Sunday Evening June 20th
The Hinderances to Revival and Discipleship Dr. Bill Coble, Pastor Luke 9:57-62 »
The Hinderances to Revival and Discipleship Dr. Bill Coble, Pastor Luke 9:57-62 »
Okay first off, my wife Amanda launched her blog yesterday, and it is unbelievably good. Feel free to ignore me and click here right now–you won’t be disappointed. This is the third and final post inspired by my recent reading of Thomas Merton’s Raids on the Unspeakable. As my honest and good friends have told [...] »
The Revival in Portland. One of the mightiest revivals that Portland ever knew has taken place in that city. The devil raged, shots were fired, some were arrested and brought up before the judges, but the Lord worked on and healed all manner of diseases that were brought baptized and saved many precious souls. In June a [...] »
Have you ever had something in your heart to do that you felt was a good thing to do, even a Godly thing to do, but you kept encountering roadblocks in your way? Try as you might, there were these pesky obstacles that never seemed to go away? I remember, as a child in church, […] The post June 27: 24 Sivan appeared first on Perry Stone Ministries. »