
Life School Musical – Westmore Kids

Life School Musical – Westmore Kids

“Life School Musical” is a lively exploration for the keys to life. Unusual things happen on a Friday when John the Baptist, Simon Peter, the prodigal son and others turn up in the classroom to help in the search. 🛎 Subscribe to this channel for inspiring messages and powerful praise and worship:…. For more information about Westmore, visit w... »

Westmore Kids presents “Life School Musical”

Westmore Kids presents “Life School Musical”

Life School Musical is a lively exploration for the keys to life. Unusual things happen on a Friday when John the Baptist, Simon Peter, the prodigal son and others turn up in the classroom to help in the search. “Show me how you work, God; School me in your ways. Take me by the hand; Lead me down the path of truth.” – Psalm 25:4-5 (The Message) »

Westmore Kids NOW Online | Episode 107

Westmore Kids NOW Online | Episode 107

This is Season 1 Episode 7 of #WestmoreKidsNowOnline! In this episode evil villains try to steal the Reality Remote to erase all Westmore Kids Now Online Episodes including the Easter edition where action film star James Beyond gives his life to Jesus! Will James Beyond aka “Action Alex” let the villains steal the remote? In this episode we learn that no matter how we feel or how many ... »

Emma’s Kids Welcome Citylife Church

Emma’s Kids Welcome Citylife Church

Rodger and Saundra Wikelund, along with all residents of their ministry, Emma’s Kids, welcomed a ministry group from citylife church in Tampa this month. Twenty-eight adults and kids from citylife made the trip to Zambia. They brought medical professionals who provided quality health services to members of the community. The team conducted VBS with the [...] »