
Special Guest Pastor Jerry Lawson May 28, 2017

Special Guest Pastor Jerry Lawson May 28, 2017


Jerry Lawson: North American Church Planting Initiative (2010)

And our current questions: 1. What has changed in the past 5 years 2. Are we where we need to be in regard of church planting 3. How has this proposal affected the international strategy of the church globally 4. Last, but not least do we need to revisit or discard this initiative Below is the proposal I sent to the Executive Council for consideration for the General Assembly 2010 Agenda. This was... »

Why did Jerry Lawson left #ourCOG

First of all, I want to thank my many friends who have been so kind to me through this transition in my ministry. As I have told many people, I cannot lose the best of the COG because the best parts of the COG are the friendships and I will be taking them with me. You faithful friends mean the world to me, and you know who you are. I started 2015 with more prayer and fasting than any other year in... »