
Will a Divided America Led by Donald Trump Lead to a Divided Church?

Will a Divided America Led by Donald Trump Lead to a Divided Church?

The 2016 election shined a glaring light on a divided America. According to a November 21, 2016 Gallup poll, a record-high 77% of Americans believe the country is split over important values, while 21% see America as united. Americans are also split on whether President-elect Donald Trump can unite the country with 45% stating they […] »

Lead Your Church to be Evangelistic

Do you want your church to be evangelistic? Check out these four strategies for moving your church in this direction. 1. Do a Relationship Survey. Try this simple exercise with your church members. Ask them first to write the names of ten believers with whom they are close enough they could share a prayer concern... The post 4 Steps to Lead Your Church to be Evangelistic appeared first on Church A... »

Five Reasons Lead Pastors Should Be Involved with VBS

Few church programs are as ubiquitous as Vacation Bible School (VBS). Churches across all denominations prepare for the summer influx of kids. It’s fun. You get to dance in the sanctuary! It’s also fruitful. Kids are saturated with the gospel for a week. “I was saved at VBS” is a typical testimony I hear among... The post Five Reasons Lead Pastors Should Be Involved with VBS appeared first on Chur... »

What lead to Abraham believing it was God who spoke…

What lead to Abraham believing it was God who spoke to him? This same God could also make beings that could make their own world, if God willed the desire to make such beings. Such a being could obviously perform miracles and fortell true prophecies in his/her world. Abraham obviously believed God didn’t make such beings, or, he believed that it wasn’t that being who spoke to him. What... »