
Maxwell Leadership Bible

Maxwell Leadership Bible

The Leadership expert, John Maxwell, brings an in-depth look at God’s laws for leaders and leadership. The content of the current Maxwell Leadership Bible is revised and updated to incorporate Maxwell’s works since the first release of the Maxwell Leadership Bible. Features include: 2 New Laws – Law of Addition and the Law of Picture New major articles and new notes throughout th... »

Guest Post – The Study of Servant Leadership Builds Bridges to Transformation

In working with graduate school students who are earning school administration certification, I have found a theme that creates common ground for the diversity of candidates in my classes. Servant... »

Dr. Harold Bare: The Evolution of Leadership in a Sacred Bureaucracy

Dr. Harold Bare: The Evolution of Leadership in a Sacred Bureaucracy


Four Underrated Leadership Tips Pastors Can Exercise Daily

Your body needs regular exercise to stay in shape. Your mind needs to be stretched and challenged to stay sharp. For leaders to grow, regular workouts are necessary. Pastors lead within a dynamic environment—the church. You may not think of your church as “dynamic,” but it is. A church of fifty people means at least... The post Four Underrated Leadership Tips Pastors Can Exercise Daily appeared fi... »