Operation Compassion, Abundant Life Partner in Distribution
Operation Compassion, Abundant Life Partner in Distribution ... »
Operation Compassion, Abundant Life Partner in Distribution ... »
The greatest reassurance in this life is that God forgives. All throughout scripture, He has recorded his mercy, grace, and long suffering patience. He gave humanity His law, and pursued us even when we rebelled against Him. He is so forgiving despite constant betrayal. He loves so greatly, and shows us in the saddening love stories told in the book of Hosea and Song of Solomon. He will always be ... »
Lead Pastor Kelvin Page continues his series of messages in conjunction with Westmore’s “Community Bible Experience.” Pastor Kelvin talks about the transforming power in forgiveness and intentionally moving forward. His scripture reference is II Corinthians 5, verses 16-17. You can join the Westmore congregation’s commitment to read the New Testament in 40 days by going to:... »
Church of God in Germany, Plüderhausen. Our brothers and sisters in Christ. Herzlich willkommen beim Christlichen Zentrum life. Wir sind eine lebendige Freikirche in Plüderhausen (Rems-Murr-Kreis) und laden Sie ein, sich auf unseren Seiten umzuschauen oder uns einmal persönlich zu besuchen. »