
Sneak Peek: Change Your Words, Change Your Life | Jentezen Franklin

Sneak Peek: Change Your Words, Change Your Life | Jentezen Franklin

This is “Change Your Words, Change Your Life”. To hear more inspiring messages from Jentezen Franklin, visit & subscribe to this channel: Tell us more about what’s going on in your life: Let us pray with you: Share your testimony to encourage us and ot... »

Change Your Words, Change Your Life | Jentezen Franklin

Change Your Words, Change Your Life | Jentezen Franklin

This is “Change Your Words, Change Your Life”. What is your overall outlook on life? Are you an optimist or a pessimist? Do you tend to see silver linings, or do you mostly see gray skies and rain? Think about this: God spoke the world into creation, then He created man in His image… and gave him the power to speak! What does that mean for you and me? God says in Isaiah, He creat... »

“Jesus Christ, Our Life” Pastor D. R. Shortridge

“Jesus Christ, Our Life” Pastor D. R. Shortridge

“Jesus Christ, Our Life” Pastor D. R. Shortridge Tuesday Evening Service October 12, 2021 Streaming every: Sunday Morning @ 11:00AM Sunday Evening @ 6:30PM Wednesday Evening @ 7:00PM »

Life as I know it #ourCOG

Life as I know it #ourCOG John Ruffle »

FULL PART 4 | Life In The Overflow

FULL PART 4 | Life In The Overflow

Pastor Tony wraps up our “Full” series and in it we learn that the presence of God does not just reside at church on Sunday mornings, but God wants to live in you, go with you and flow out of you every day of the week. When we live a life full to overflow, it begins to saturate everything around us. »