
“What to do when you feel trapped?” pastor Loran Livingston, March 17, 2019 8 30

“What to do when you feel trapped?” pastor Loran Livingston, March 17, 2019 8 30

As children of God we go through discipline and training. If you feel trapped and tired in your faith walk, beware of making bad decisions. Even while you’re in it, God’s grace will see you through. Put your mind on Jesus and get your mind off everything else. And what to do when you are under stress or feeling angry or just trapped? Don’t be fast to speak, slow down, bite your t... »

“Number Your Days” pastor Loran Livingston, Central Church, March 3, 2019

“Number Your Days” pastor Loran Livingston, Central Church, March 3, 2019

Pastor Loran explains the difference between God’s Law and God’s Grace and that it is impossible to please God and fulfill the law outside of Jesus Christ and Him alone. Pastor Loran calls God’s people to stop worrying and wasting our time on things that we don’t have control over and ask the Lord to teach us to number our days to get wisdom and learn to spend our time on t... »

“Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled” pastor Loran Livingston, February 24, 2019

“Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled” pastor Loran Livingston, February 24, 2019

Is anything too hard for the Lord? Quit looking at you- look at God. With God all things are possible. So don’t let your heart be troubled! Believe in Jesus- He is faithful, loving, kind, caring, strong and able to do what you think is “impossible”! »

“Don’t Waste It Until You Taste It!” pastor Loran Livingston, Central Church, February 17, 2019

“Don’t Waste It Until You Taste It!” pastor Loran Livingston, Central Church, February 17, 2019

God has given you opportunities that are at hand this very moment, no matter what kind of situation you find yourself in. Don’t waste time wishing you had different resources or were in a better place. God wants you to live the life you have – not the life you wish you could have. God gave you all you need so you could live an abundant life in Him. God loves you just the way He made you!! Yo... »