
A Question of Loyalty and Love

Posted on July 28, 2008 by tomsterbens OKAY, heres the deal: Unfortunately, when you are defenDING something it can be misinterpreted as beingdefenSIVE. And from a debate standpoint, the degree to which an observation or viewpoint can be proven to be subjective (defensive)…then the validity of that viewpoint is diminished substantially. What a masterful shift is accomplished at that point. For yea... »

Live to Love

For I am hard-pressed between the two, having a desire todepart and be with Christ, which is far better. Nevertheless … »

In Seasons of Waiting, Learn to Love People

Relationships ultimately matter more than anything else on earth because people are the only things guaranteed to exist forever. God is building a forever family and he not only wants you in it, but he also wants you to love the rest of his family and ... »

A Love Story Anchored in Faith: A Eulogy to Ruby Jean Knight

The Gap Hill community first became personal for me in January of 1978. Before then Gap Hill was mostly defined … »