
Prayer Will be Major Focus of General Assembly

Prayer Will be Major Focus of General Assembly ... »

Major Baptismal churches at Easter like early church. Mars Hill had 13,000 baptized at Easter. 250 by immersion. -Dr. Jerald Daffe #ourCOG

Major Baptismal churches at Easter like early church. Mars Hill had 13,000 baptized at Easter. 250 by immersion. -Dr. Jerald Daffe #ourCOG »

What will be the major resolutions at the 2018 GA…

What will be the major resolutions at the 2018 GA in Orlando? What do you think? »

Major Warning Signs Stress is Starting to Impair Your Leadership

Every pastor gets overwhelmed. The pressures of ministry are real and many, and seasons of stress are bound to occur. I’m sure many of you have stories of severe storms in which the stress was overwhelming. However, when ongoing stress starts to define a pastor, it becomes a contagion that spreads to others. Unresolved stress... The post Major Warning Signs Stress is Starting to Impair Your Leader... »