
Name of Israel’s anti-Hamas operation has biblical meaning

Name of Israel’s anti-Hamas operation has biblical meaning

To English speakers, the name of Israel’s anti-Hamas campaign sounds pretty straightforward: “Operation Pillar of Defense.” But reading the name of the Israeli operation in Hebrew might provoke some head-scratching. In Hebrew, the Israel Defense Forces have branded their recently launched anti-Hamas effort as “Operation Pillar of Cloud.” An IDF spokesman explained that most Israelis would recogniz... »

Church of God General Assembly 2018 Agenda: Meaning and Usage of the Term “Bishop”

Church of God General Assembly 2018 Agenda: Meaning and Usage of the Term “Bishop”

MOTION: 76TH INTERNATIONAL GENERAL COUNCIL/ASSEMBLY, 2016 After a detailed review by the International Executive Council of the meaning and usage of the term “bishop,” further study needs to be done that will better address whether it is necessary to change the current nomenclature in order to clarify and fulfill the intent of the International General Council with respect to the designation of th... »

Sola Scriptura and the Interpretation of Scripture: Confusion Over the “Plain Meaning”

As part of my response to the General Assembly agenda items on women serving on the General Council and on the names of God, I want to deal with the use of scripture. We need to clarify the Protestant understanding of sola scriptura (by scripture alone... »

Perry Stone 1000 Millennial Pandemic 2020 Prophetic Meaning 5780

Perry Stone 1000 Millennial Pandemic 2020 Prophetic Meaning 5780
