
Why Is Dan Missing in the Apocalyptic Vision? | Perry Stone

It has been the most asked question to prophetic teachers. Why is Dan missing from the list in John’s vision in Revelation? Here are... »

Matthew’s Missing Generations in Jesus’ Genealogy :: By Randy Nettles

In 2 Samuel 7:16, God, through his prophet Nathan, made a profound promise to David, declaring that his throne would endure for eternity. “And your house and your kingdom shall be established forever before you: your throne shall be established forever.” This divine pledge established the Davidic royal line for Israel, from which future kings would emerge. […] The post Matthew’s Missing Generation... »

What’s Missing? :: By Nathele Graham

I see many signs in front of various church buildings with catchy phrases that are meant to get a person to think about things and hopefully start attending services. One sign I’ve seen says, “What’s missing from ch ch? The answer is UR. Yes, that’s an attention grabber, but I have a different answer. Maybe […] The post What’s Missing? :: By Nathele Graham appeared first on Rapture Ready. »

The Missing Message :: By Gene Dahler

This brief message is to bring to light a key element of the Bible. This is a general overview of a biblical foundation that is seldom, if ever, shared by most teachers or pastors. Basically, it’s to present what the Bible is really about. The need for a message like this became obvious when the […] The post The Missing Message :: By Gene Dahler appeared first on Rapture Ready. »

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