
This Day, April 21, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L

April 21 753 BCE: According to tradition, on this date Romulus and Remus founded Rome.  Considering the impact that Rome would have on the Jewish people this date is worth noting.  586: Ricard I became King the Visigoth King of Hispania.&n... »

This Day, April 19, In Jewish History, by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L

 April 19 According to one web-site, April 19th is one of the blackest days on the Jewish calendar. From the 11th century (1014) through the 20th century (1943) this date is remembered for the atrocities which took place. Below are a few: ) 1014... »

This Day, March 27, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levi Z"L

 March 27 347: Traditional birthdate for Jerome, the priest and theologian best known for the creation of the Vulgate Bible, the Latin translation of the text and the author of correspondence with Augustine of Hippo that frequently mentioned the ... »

Prepare The Way | Prayer Can Change Your Life | Bishop Mitchell Cordor

Prepare The Way | Prayer Can Change Your Life | Bishop Mitchell Cordor

Bishop Mitchell Cordor shares a powerful message about prayer. As we continue in our Prepare The Way series, we discover in Luke 11:1-4 how to pray. Pray is a dialogue between God and his people. Through prayer, we find that we have access to the Father’s heart for us. As the way is being prepared for us, prayer is the vehicle that will take us into what God has for us. In this message, Bishop Mit... »