
CHARLES PARHAM: Racial Roots of the Pentecostal Movement

INTRODUCTION Two men sat with their hats in their hands in the office of a prominent Pentecostal pastor in Michigan. They explained that they had been unhappy with a spiritual brother and as a result they formulated and spread lies about him. Among the lies they told were that he had been unfaithful to his wife. Now, the man was dead. Suicide, based on aftermath of the lies they had forged about h... »

Pentecostalism vs The Charismatic Movement

Pentecostalism vs The Charismatic Movement

WHAT is the ASSEMBLIES of GOD position on SANCTIFICATION today? Do we still teach it in our schools and churches anymore? The Assemblies of... »

The Church of God movement has evolved since it started…

The Church of God movement has evolved since it started…

The Church of God movement has evolved since it started in 1886. It began when former Baptist minister Richard Spurling and his son, Richard Green Spurling, rejected traditional Roman Catholic themes and formed a Christian Union. »

Purity Network Leading Biblically Responsible Investing Movement

Purity Network Ministries, a ministry dedicated to finding and recommending resources that uphold Biblical values is pleased to announce an organization that adheres to Biblical financial responsibility. In these uncertain times, it is extremely import... »