
This Day, November 13, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L

November 13 354:  Birthdate of St. Augustine of Hippo.  While St. Augustine may be held in high regard by the Roman Catholic Church, he held the Jews in especially low regard. In his famous work The City of God, Augustine reports that the Je... »

This Day, November 11, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L

November 11 603 BCE (7th of Kislev): King Jehoiakim burned the scroll which had been dictated by the prophet Jeremiah to Barcuh ben Heriah. 518 BCE: A delegation of Babylonian Jews arrived in Jerusalem to inquire from the prophet Zechariah whether th... »

Chapel with Rickie Moore I November 9, 2023

Chapel with Rickie Moore I November 9, 2023


This Day, November 4, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L

November 4 1310: King Jaime II issued a royal decree exempting Judah Bonseynor from all taxes to which the Aljama of Barcelona was usually required to pay.  “The king also ordered that neither Bonsenyor nor his children should be molested on acco... »