
Monday November 26th: 18 Kislev

Monday November 26th: 18 Kislev In the advertising world, every great marketing campaign is designed to draw attention to a particular label. It is done with the intention to persuade people to buy a particular product. When you go to a store and look at a particular label, if you recognize the name on the […] »

Saturday November 17th: 9 Kislev

Saturday November 17th: 9 Kislev In the northern Galilee there is an ancient site called Tel Dan. This particular place is mentioned several times in Scripture, many times referred to as Layish. That was the name of the city when Abraham was in the area, and we know from Scripture that Abraham did come to […] »

Traditions of Lee: 60 Years of Music & Campus Life I November 4, 2022

Traditions of Lee: 60 Years of Music & Campus Life I November 4, 2022


The Apostolic Faith (November, 1906)

The Apostolic Faith (November, 1906)

Gracious Pentecostal Showers Continue to Fall. The news has spread far and wide that Los Angeles is being visited with a “rushing mighty wind from heaven.” The how and why of it is to be found in the very opposite of those conditions that are usually thought necessary for a big revival. No instruments of music [...] »