
Will the Church of God favor this executive order from…

Will the Church of God favor this executive order from…

Will the Church of God favor this executive order from President Trump It may make it even harder to evangelize the Jews in Jerusalem. What is your view? »

"Let's set a church in order. We need it."

"Let's set a church in order. We need it."

“Let’s set a church in order. We need it.” »

Church Leader Receives ‘Order of the Towel’ Award

Dr. Niko Njotorahardjo, pastor of the massive Gereja Bethel Church in Jakarta, Indonesia, was inducted earlier this week into the “Order of the Towel” from Church of God Prayer Ministries and Project Pray. The ceremony took place during the Church ... »

I got off Facebook in order to save you.

I pulled the trigger on Old Yeller at 6:55am this morning. After months of deliberation and angst, I deactivated my facebook account. Without question, there has been no other small decision in the history of decision making to carry such an absurd amount of weight. It was if a simple move to streamline communication in [...] »