#ourCOG tweets

RT @revkevinwalker:RT @josh200536: Can i get a RT for 26 wk old daughter. Having brain surgery Thursday. We need all the prayers we can get. #OurCOG

RT @revkevinwalker:RT @josh200536: Can i get a RT for 26 wk old daughter. Having brain surgery Thursday. We need all the prayers we can get. #OurCOG »

RT @josh200536: Can i get a RT for 26 wk old daughter. Having brain surgery Thursday. We need all the prayers we can get. #OurCOG

RT @josh200536: Can i get a RT for 26 wk old daughter. Having brain surgery Thursday. We need all the prayers we can get. #OurCOG »

They totally under-built the Cleveland Starbucks. It can’t hold all of Lee and all of… http://goo.gl/fb/a1rGJ #ourCOG

They totally under-built the Cleveland Starbucks. It can’t hold all of Lee and all of… http://goo.gl/fb/a1rGJ #ourCOG »

They totally under-built the Cleveland Starbucks. It can’t hold all of Lee and all of… http://goo.gl/fb/ILwF0 #ourCOG

They totally under-built the Cleveland Starbucks. It can’t hold all of Lee and all of… http://goo.gl/fb/ILwF0 #ourCOG »